Lane first came to Mo-Ranch with her parents while she was still in diapers and spent much of her time playing in Pheasant Run. She enjoyed Mo so much growing up that she introduced Keith to its beauty in the 1970s while they were dating. They have since participated in many programs throughout the years and look forward to their time of reflection and spiritual growth. Their favorite program at Mo-Ranch has been Grand Camp and spending quality one-on-one time with family. Keith’s favorite memory at Mo was doing the Polar Bear Challenge in near freezing conditions, while Lane enjoyed watching the paramedics in wetsuits and scuba gear fetch him out of the water!
“Mo-Ranch is a special place for us because, as John Philip Newell said, it is one of the ‘thin places’ where heaven comes very close to earth and God is very present. The feel of the water, the smell of the ground, the sound of the breeze, the sight of the green trees renews and refreshes. We support the ministry of Mo-Ranch for the sake of the people who will come after us,” said Lane.
Lane’s family, the Ferreros, have gathered at Mo-Ranch every summer for 22 years! They started out each reserving a hotel room, but as their family has grown and added five new children to the fourth generation, they have moved to Guest Lodge, which sleeps up to 40 people.
As you wander around the property, you are likely to come across an improvement project they have been involved with. Mo-Ranch can give them many thanks for their contributions towards the Wynne/Flato lobby furnishings, an oven and stove in the King Dining Hall, bathroom remodel and water dispensary at the Riverview classroom and safety measures for our water slide. Keith and Lane have also given towards our road system and wastewater treatment management. In addition to their generous donations, Keith served five years on Mo-Ranch’s board of trustees and has been an active member of the senior board since 2001. They have shared many incredible memories at Mo-Ranch and continue to support its mission and growth.
As Keith said, “If not you, then who?”