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Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly
2229 FM 1340 – Hunt, Texas 78024-3037
830.238.4455 or 800.460.4401
Fax: 830.238.4832
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The mission of Mo-Ranch is to foster growth in God through Jesus Christ by sharing its unique living, learning, Christian environment.

One of the unique attributes of our youth conferences are the Young Adult Leaders. These members of the planning team provide a youth input in planning and are important leaders during the conference. Young Adults Leaders help in many areas of the conference and play a crucial role in the success of each youth conference. Young Adult Leaders help provide a welcoming community for conference participants and serve as role models for their peers.
We are committed to selecting a wide range of persons who are active members in their home congregations; who have experience in leadership roles or show the potential to positively lead their peers; and who represent geographical and racial/ethnic diversity.
Young Adult Leaders will be called on to help with recreation events, music, worship, small groups, and general conference hands and feet under the guidance of the conference’s platform leadership team and Mo-Ranch Program Department staff. Please note by applying to be a Young Adult Leader, you agree to the terms listed on the ministry summary and understand that you may be asked to arrive earlier than the start date of the conference and you are responsible for arranging transportation to Mo-Ranch.
Grade level requirements for Young Adult Leaders:
  • Summit46 (conference serves youth entering 4th-6th grades) – YALs should have completed 8th-12th grades.
  • Junior High Jubilee (conference serves youth completed 6th-8th grades) – YALs should have completed 7th or 8th grade.
  • Intercultural Youth Conference (conference serves youth completed 6th-12th grades) – YALs should have completed 8th-12th grades.
  • Youth Celebration (conference serves youth completed 9th-12th grades) – YALs should have completed 9th-12th grades.

Ministry Summary – Young Adult Leader
The following ministry summary is provided to help you understand the role you will be undertaking:
Before the Conference:

  •  Attend pre-conference planning meetings (if possible), during which you will:
    • Work with the Small Group Leader you are paired with to help plan how you will lead small group
    • Work with the Recreation Leader and learn how to assist in the leadership of recreation/energizers.
  • Live by and help others live by the Youth Conference Leadership Covenant of Conduct.
    • Participate fully in all conference activities to serve as an example to participants.
    • Be willing and available to assist in other areas of the conference including:
      • Registration, opening events, energizers, and crowd control, assisting small groups, set-up/takedown
        of equipment for events
    • Be willing to talk to all participants about your time as a young adult leader to inform youth interested in
      leading in the following year’s conference.
  • Attend the post-conference meeting with Mo-Ranch program staff, conference director and other
    leadership (usually at the conclusion of the conference before leaving Mo or by zoom at a later date).
    • Use this opportunity to provide appropriate feedback, constructive criticism, and reflection.

As a Young Adult Leader, you will attend the youth conference at no cost and will receive a reimbursement
for travel to and from in-person Planning Team Meetings (if applicable)

  • 2025 Young Adult Leader Application

  • (adult S-4X)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • for ICYC Only
  • Click all that apply
  • Click all that apply

    Please provide contact information for 2 different references. They must be adults, unrelated to you, and at least one should be church-affiliated.
  • Please provide name, relationship, length of acquaintance, phone and email.
  • Please provide name, relationship, length of acquaintance, phone and email.

    Please tell us about why you want to serve as a young adult leader at Mo‐Ranch this summer.
  • The mission of Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly is to foster growth in God through Jesus Christ by sharing its unique living, learning, Christian environment.

    More than a set of “rules” or “guidelines,” a covenant between conference participants remembers our Biblical foundations. God who created all that was, is, and is to come, made a covenant to always love and care for us. Following God’s lead, we make a covenant with one another when we gather in community to make a safe and caring place for playing, studying, worshiping and living.

    I promise to participate in the building and caring for community by:
     Being fully present and participating in all scheduled activities
     Showing respect for conference participants, staff, other guests as well as the ranch itself by:
    o Asking before entering a housing facility that is not my “home” for the week
    o Abiding by the smoke-free building policy
    o Being responsible for my belongings and caring for the property of others
    o Refraining from throwing things off either catwalk
    o Swimming in groups, at designated times
    o Refraining from jumping or diving from the highway bridge or the dam
    o Using the Ropes Course only while Mo-Ranch staff are present
     Dressing appropriately by wearing clothing that allows me to participate fully in the activity at hand, keeping in mind
    that I am attending a church youth conference and that I represent my family, congregation and community at all times
    by what I say, do, and wear. I will not bring clothing that advertises alcohol or tobacco or other illegal substances; nor
    which contain language/pictures that demean or ridicule someone’s gender, sexuality or ethnic origin.
    I will wear clothing that is modest in style and does not detract from my participation or others' participation in the conference.
     Refraining from any and all sexual activity and inappropriate conduct of any kind while at Mo-Ranch.
     Abiding by laws prohibiting the possession or use of illegal drugs and which prohibit the possession or use of alcohol
    by persons under the age of 21. (As an adult over the age of 21, I will abstain from consuming alcohol during the
    conference). I will take medication prescribed to me by a doctor only as directed.
     Caring for the environment in which we are all learning, playing and living by putting trash and recyclables in to the
    appropriate containers; using my audio devices in such a way that they do not disrupt others; watching the ways I
    express myself through words and actions; and minimizing technological distractions (texting, phones, tablets).
     Leaving at home items such as: skateboards, scooters, rollerblades, firearms, knives, weapons of any kind, incendiary
    devices (matches, lighters, fireworks and so on), laser pointers, or other items that could disrupt the conference or
    other Mo-Ranch guests.
     Practicing the "Rule of Three" (2 youth and 1 adult, or 2 unrelated adults and 1 youth) while in classrooms, walking
    about the ranch, and in housing.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



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