upper youth plaza
For 75 years, Mo-Ranch has been committed to being a safe, welcoming environment for the young and young at heart.
One of the cornerstones of our mission, Mo-Ranch Summer Camp has been blessed with dramatic growth in recent years, to the point that we are simply out of room.
The Upper Youth Plaza Campaign will double our capacity, allowing us to welcome many more kids into a safe, loving, Christ-centered environment.
6 New Cabins
A New Dining Hall
A Roofed Pavilion
The new cabins will allow teenage campers to participate in leadership activities with their peers.
The Dining Hall will double as a communal space for quintessential camp activities
like group games, leadership presentations, dances and sing-a-longs.
Campers will make enduring memories in this new facility. Memories of new friends, unfettered joy and a deepening of their relationship with God.
We need your help to make this vision a reality. With the aid of your generosity we can help Mo-Ranch Summer Camp reach its full potential, so that it may continue to change lives for years to come. Will you join us in furthering the legacy of Mo-Ranch by making a donation today?
Proposed Design
Built to Last
The Upper Youth Plaza is designed intentionally to be both modern and functional while still familiar. The stone and wood design will feel of a piece with the historic buildings at Mo-Ranch, including the iconic Loma Linda building which has housed campers for over 60 years.
There will be six cabins total, arranged in a ring to create a communal space alongside the new dining hall. Each cabin will hold 20 campers in bunk beds and will each come with adjoining bathrooms with private showers and changing rooms. The new camp Dining Hall will match the other cabins and can double as an indoor auditorium/multipurpose space.
Outside of the Summer months, The Upper Youth Plaza will be used as a multi-purpose meeting space for conferences and church groups, so everyone will get to enjoy the new addition to Mo-Ranch!
Frequently Asked Questions
Where will Upper Youth Plaza be located?
Land has been cleared for the cabins and dining hall across from Inspiration Point, just up the hill from Loma Linda.
How many campers will the new cabins hold?
The six new cabins will hold 20 campers each, allowing Mo-Ranch Summer Camp to double its capacity each summer.
How much time do we have to meet our goal?
Because of restrictions with the Mabee Grant, we have to reach our goal by April 11, 2024 so time is of the essence!
Will the cabins match the rest of the ranch?
The cabins and dining hall have been specifically designed to match the look of our historical buildings and will fit right in with the Loma Linda Building.
Will Upper Youth Plaza be used outside of the summer?
Yes! When camp is not in session the Upper Youth Plaza will serve as a multipurpose meeting space for conferences and church groups.
How much do we need to raise?
Our goal is $4,037,363. Thanks to the generosity of private donors and multiple grants we are only about $350,000 away, but can only get there with your help!
A Challenge With A Deadline
Mo-Ranch has been blessed with a million dollar challenge grant from the Mabee Foundation. A challenge grant means that we have one year to meet our goal in order to secure the funds from the Mabee Foundation. Specifically, we have until April 11th, 2024. So we must move quickly in order to reach our goal! We are close but can only get there with your help. Will you help us cross the threshold and push this campaign over the finish line?
Leave your mark on Mo.
Select naming opportunities are still available. Contact Allison Harris Graves at
or by phone at 800.460.4401 ext. 401
Project Updates
Upper Youth Plaza Capital Campaign Official Press Release
HUNT, TX, June 09, 2023 — Today Mo-Ranch Summer Camp has announced the public phase of the Upper Youth Plaza Capital Campaign. The campaign is a proposed expansion of their summer camp facilities, including a new dining hall, an outdoor pavilion, and six new cabins....
I always enjoy worship down at Youth Plaza. That’s just a special moment at Mo. […] Everyone has a sense of camaraderie and they know that this place is so special and nobody wants to leave.
Will you join us with a gift today?
The end of our goal is within sight, but we can only get there with your help. Your generosity is critical to creating the space we need for camp and this ministry to continue to grow. With your gift, you are not just creating additional space for Mo-Ranch, you are building the future of this incredible thin place for generations to come.
Can we count on your support today?