Small Group Leader
Interested in being a small group leader?
Small Groups play an integral role in the Youth Celebration, Jr. High Jubilee, Summit46 and Intercultural Youth Conferences at Mo-Ranch. Time and again, young people tell us their Small Group is a place where they find a welcoming community and a place where they can share their faith.
Mo-Ranch needs Small Group Leaders who are both committed to their faith in Jesus Christ and who are actively seeking to know and serve him in their lives. Small Group Leaders must be willing and able to listen to youth and help guide them as they explore the theme of the conference. Small Group Leaders’ responsibilities include leading a group of approximately 15 young people and adults during the conference. Outside of Small Group meeting times, SGLs help with recreation events under the guidance of the Recreation Leader; they meet daily with the Small Group Coordinator; they may be called upon to participate in worship leadership.
Small Group Leaders should be at least 21 years of age and exceptions are made only by the Mo-Ranch Programs Team. They are reimbursed for travel expenses (in accordance with Mo-Ranch’s travel policy) and receive on-site lodging (Manor House) and meals.
We are committed to selecting a wide range of persons who are active members of the Presbyterian Church (USA); who have experience in church leadership roles and are actively working with young people in their congregation; and who represent geographical and racial/ethnic diversity. Small Group Leaders are welcome to serve 2 conferences per summer. We prefer that Small Group Leaders not be serving simultaneously as adult sponsors for their back home group.
Serving as a Small Group Leader is a calling.
Small Group Leaders spend a week building and caring for the kind of community that allows young people to be open to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Through games, loud and quiet moments, questions, and creative activities, Small Group Leaders help their group become a place where God at work in the lives of all who are present can be recognized. A Small Group is a place for fun, for serious and light-hearted conversations and for listening and growing.
The Small Group Coordinator for each conference is custom-building a manual filled with materials and suggestions which will help you explore the week’s theme with your Small Group. These will be e-mailed (or mailed) to you prior to the conference, in ample time for you to familiarize yourself with the content and to prepare. Supplies needed for activities suggested in the Small Group Manual will be provided by Mo-Ranch.
If you are interested in serving as a Small Group Leader, please fill out an application HERE. You may also download an application and send it to us at the address below.
If you have questions, please contact the Mo-Ranch Program Office at
Mo-Ranch Program Office
2229 FM 1340
Hunt, TX 78024