Meet Allison Harris! Allison will be joining Mo-Ranch as the vice president of development. Allison previously served as the senior development officer for Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. Since 2016, she has worked with the Austin, San Antonio and Corpus Christi areas for Presbyterian Children’s Homes and Services. She previously held positions with the Dallas County Juvenile Services, the North Texas Community Foundation and the Girl Scouts of Central Texas.
Allison enjoys working on development projects for non-profits because she gets to interact with a wide variety of people and connect them to way that they can support and positively impact a cause or organization that they love.
Allison traces her love for Mo-Ranch to her youth in Houston when her church made annual visits here. When she was younger, Mo was a safe place where she was able to grow and learn independence.
“I loved staying with my whole church in Guest Lodge each February,” said Allison. “We would stay up late playing board games and visiting around the fire. I love that each time I visited Mo, I had new and exciting experiences.”
Her experiences with the Presbyterian Church helped nurture a devotion to Christ’s work in our lives and led Allison to a commitment and passion for youth development in underserved communities. Her passion began as a student at Austin College and in mission work as a youth worker in Belfast, Northern Ireland, with the PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteer program.
A native Texan, Allison holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of North Texas and a bachelor’s degree in political science and religion from Austin College. She currently lives in Austin and is a ruling elder of University Presbyterian Church, chairing its Mission Committee.
Allison grew up in the Houston area and Austin, and she loves to cook. She is currently working her way through her grandmother’s recipes. Her grandmother had a cooking column in the 1970s in her local east Texas newspaper. Allison has collected all of the column publications and wants to eventually turn it into a family cookbook for generations to come. Please welcome Allison to the Mo family, and maybe ask her for a sample of one of her family’s famous recipes!