The Mo-Ranch Empty Bowls Project is an area of Mo-Ranch’s Creative Arts Ministry where youth participants create ceramic bowls, paint them and glaze them, so that they may later be sold for proceeds to fight hunger. The Manager for the Arts at Mo-Ranch, Maria Gould, sold some of the bowls made over the past year during Mo-Ranch’s Thanksgiving event to raise funds on behalf of the cause. With the Empty Bowls proceeds from the Thanksgiving bowl sales and Mo-Ranch staff donations, Presbyterian Mo-Ranch Assembly proudly presented the First Presbyterian Church of Kerrville with a $1,000 donation to benefit the church’s food kitchen.
The church’s food kitchen, HOPES Kitchen, is a weekly ministry that is held on Saturdays at First Presbyterian Church inside of the Family Life Center. The kitchen serves 100% free lunches and to-go meals to the homeless, passer byers or those who are just struggling financially and are in need of a warm meal. Those who are in need find their way to Hope’s Kitchen through word-of-mouth and referrals from other local non-profits like The Salvation Army, Christian Assistance Ministry and St. Vincent de Paul.
The kitchen is run completely by volunteers and is organized by Donna Lewis, HOPES Kitchen’s coordinator with FPC Kerrville. She’s in charge of putting together volunteer teams, creating schedules and helping find volunteers. “The team leader for that Saturday helps find volunteers, also, and the leader decides what type of food they’re going to serve for that day, and then they all prepare it together as a team,” said Donna Lewis, kitchen coordinator. “It is extremely rewarding to serve those who are in need. We say a prayer before we eat. The people are always so incredibly grateful for the meals they are given. Besides meals, we also offer showers and basic toiletries for those we serve.”
Additional volunteers and donations are always needed for HOPES Kitchen. If you’re interested in being a volunteer or making a donation to the fund, please contact Donna Lewis at 830.257.8443.